Nicholas Kirk Architects
Architects Journal - BCN

December 2018

Architects Journal - BCN

Architects Journal - BCN

We are very pleased to have a feature in the Architects Journal about our recently completed project at Bermondsey Community Nursery - click here for more!



After a protracted planning process, NKA have recently been awarded planning permission at committee for the development of a new house in Woodford, East London.

We are excited to be working on the next stages of the project to see it through construction in the New Year.

14 Culford Mansions

14 Culford Mansions

Having spent a few months negotiating the License to Alter between the Freeholder and our Client, we are very excited to have started on site for the refurbishment of 14 Culford Mansions.

We had a very pleasant surprise during the demolition stage, when the builders found some old cigarette cartons hidden between the floors and walls. To celebrate these keepsakes and retain some memories, we will making up some wallpaper from the old graphics and logos.

Red - Architecture in Monochrome

Red - Architecture in Monochrome

In December, we received our copy of Red : Architecture In Monochrome. Page 104 stood out for us! Our very own Per Speculum is featured. It was a a temporary folly created as part of London Festival of Architecture back in 2012 and was pretty red. Go grab your copy now from all good bookstores especially if you are a fan of red Architecture.